Cicadas singing
September is sweltering
Leaves begin to fall
Hello Friends of Flying Needle!
Happy White Dew!
- third autumnal solar node -
Hope this finds you well during these interesting times!
Seasonal Musings & Reflections
The days continue to have temperatures in the upper 90's. The nights are often close to 30 degrees cooler. Early September in the North Carolina Piedmont is often a time of wide and wild variation. Cicadas still sing. Snowy crickets are in the mix. Leaves have begun to fall.
Chapel Hill is a college town. The population swells this time of year. Traffic patterns shift as busses, parents, and students make their way to and from school. My daughter is in 8th grade this year. Pretty wild!
I turned 51 on Tuesday. Even wilder. I am grateful to be here on this earth at this moment breathing, learning, and doing what I can to be of service to kin – past/present/future, living and “non-living”, human and other-than-human. It's relationships in all directions, Friends. My prayer is to continue to learn how to tend them with reverence, respect, and reciprocity.
In keeping with this prayer, I am heading to Colorado on 9/16 to study human anatomy with the incomparable Gil Hedley. Gil is an anatomist whose work focuses on the relationships between the tissue layers, and structures in the body. He reminds us over and over that form is both continuous, and has the capacity for differential movement. The images, stories, and models we have of the body are often about its discrete parts and how they have specific actions. This is an artifact of how we view the body (and the world). It is not the fundamental nature of either. We'll spend 10 days dissecting the human form in small groups. A deep experiential dive inside the structures and relationships of the body. I have been wanting to study with Gil for years. Looking forward to a deeply transformative learning opportunity that has the potential to refine my understanding and skill as a practitioner of medicine, and deepen connection and gratitude to and for the gift of this life.
May your Autumn days be filled with beauty, mystery, and friendship!
May you and your kin feel both rooted and free!
May we walk in gratitude with our Ancestors!
May all being and becoming receive nourishment!
Tend relationships:
Cultivate reverence, respect,
And reciprocity
It is my sincere hope that you have found something of use in these words.
If you know folks who you feel would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it their way! Thank you!
Wishing you and all your relations wellbeing and good medicine!
With gratitude,